Lab activities


Mar 29 研究科の入試説明会が開催されます。池田研究室も今年は16時~のみですが、オンライン訪問を歓迎します。オンサイト訪問も受付中です。

Feb 13-14 B4 students, Uchimura-san, Takahasi-san, Nakajima-san, Mitsunari-san, Miyasaka-san and Hasegawa-san presented their graduation projects. 


Jan 20-21 We participated the 4th Cell Death Colloquium held at Kyoto University. B4 students Miyasaka-san and Uchimura-san learned a lot from this meeting. 

京都大学で開催された「第4回細胞死コロキウム」に、学部生の宮坂さん、内村さん、および池田が参加しました。池田は2日目のSession 4で座長を務めました。


Dec 20  実験医学(2025/01)に池田研究室のインタビュー記事を掲載いただきました

Nov 23  Fumiyo gives an invited talk at the 69th congress of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgens (Yokohama).


Nov 15  We invited Prof. Andreas Villunger (Med Uni. Innsbruck) as a FBS seminar speaker! He talked about PIDDosome, inflammation and cell death.

インスブルク医科大学のAndreas Villunger教授をFBSセミナー講演者としてホストしました。

Nov 1-3  Fumiyo participated the 18th BSSR_Japan annual meeting as a referee for the poster pirzes in Miyazaki.


Oct 25-26  Fumiyo participated the FEBS Journal Editorial Board meeting in Cambridge.

池田がFEBS Journalの編集委員会議に参加しました(イギリス)。様々なデータを基に、今後の発展についても議論を重ねました。

Sept 内村さんが卒研生として池田研に参入しました。

Aug 8  神戸高校の学生さんをホストしました。卒研生の中嶋さんと宮坂さんが実験デモをしてくれました。

July 19-21  Fumiyo is charing one of the sessions at the 32nd Japanese Cell Death meeting (Tokushima).

池田が第32回日本Cell Death学会 (徳島)でセッションチェアーをします。

July 17-19  Kota is presenting at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology (Tsukuba).


June 17  Fumiyo’s interview article by the IMBA PR team became online.


May 21  Stephanie gave a talk at the FBS colloquium.


May 21  Fumiyo gave an invited talk on the general concept of ubiquitination (online, NJK).

池田がユビキチン化の基礎概念について、令和 6 年度第 1 回名古屋産学官・医連携研究会(名古屋連携研究会:NJK)にて招待講演を行いました(online)。

May 2-3  Fumiyo gave an invited talk on the ubiquitin E3 ligase HOIL-1 at “Ubiquitin and Friends” symposium in Vienna.

池田がUbiquitin and Friendsシンポジウム(ウィーン、オーストリア)で招待講演を行いました。

April 26  We welcomed new students with Sushi!


April 5  New undergrad students joined our lab. Welcome!


March 23 Our review article in JCB is now online.


March 10-15 Fumiyo gave an invited talk at the Autophagy in Stress, Development and Disease (Gordon Research Conference) (Lucca, Italy).


March 1  We had lab lunch to celebrate Mayu and Uenosono-san for their successful defence talks. We wished good luck with their future.


March 1  来年度の基礎工生物工学コースの池田ラボ卒研説明会を行いました。

Feb 15 Uenosono san presented his graduation project. Very well done.


Feb 11-12 Stephani and Fumiyo presented our work at the meeting organized by the Chemo-Ubiquitin funding group (Shizuoka, Japan).


Feb 6 Mayu had a Master’s degree defense.



Dec 21 Fumiyo wrote a short essay in the news letter (Nr.29) of the Japanese Society for Cell Death Research.

池田が日本Cell Death学会の新理事に就任しました。理事就任の挨拶文をNews Letter No.29に載せていただきました。

Dec 5 Fumiyo gave an invited talk entitled “Linear Ubiquitination in Regulation of Innate Immunity” at the Keystone Symposia , Ubiquitin Biology and Disease (J6)(CO, USA).

池田が、Keystone Symposia Ubiquitin Biology and Disease (J6) (コロラド、アメリカ)にて口頭発表しました。また、初日のセッションの座長を務めました。

Nov 8 We  invited Mads Gyrd-Hansen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) as a guest speaker. He talked about “Ubiquitin Chains as Regulators of Immune Signaling and Inflammation”.

デンマーク・コペンハーゲン大学のMads Gyrd-Hansen教授をお招きしてセミナーを開催しました。「免疫シグナル伝達と炎症の制御因子としてのユビキチン鎖」という演題で講演していただきました。

Oct 31-Nov 2 Fumiyo Ikeda and Kota Yanagitani attended the 96th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society (Fukuoka). Fumiyo and Kota gave invited talks. Fumiyo also organized a symposium with Jun Suzuki “Stress Response and Regulatory Mechanisms”.

池田先生、柳谷先生が第96回 日本生化学会大会(福岡国際会議場)に参加されました。池田先生は「炎症性シグナルにおける直鎖型ユビキチン鎖の役割」という演題で、柳谷先生は、「ミトコンドリアDNAをマイトファジーから退避させる戦略」という演題で口頭発表しました。また、池田先生は、シンポジウム「ストレス応答と制御メカニズム」を鈴木淳先生(京都大学)とオーガナイズしました。

Oct 13   We held a welcome and farewell party for Ms. Nishimura and Ms. Nezu. Ms. Nishimura, we look forward to working with you. Ms. Nezu, thank you very much for your work over the past 3 years!


Oct 1   Hiromi Nishimura joined our team as a technical assistant. Welcome!


Sep 29-30  Kota gave an invited talk at the 16th Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Study Group in Kanazawa.


Sep 28  “Signal sequence-triage is activated by translocon obstruction sensed by an ER stress sensor IRE1α” by Sogawa et al. is released online in Cell Struct Funct. Kota played a critical role as one of the corresponding authors. Congratulations!!

柳谷先生らの論文 (Sogawa et al.)がCell Struct Funct (オンライン)に掲載されました。おめでとうございます。

Sep  Stephanie receives ”Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up”. Big Congrats to Stephanie!!


Sep 8 Fumiyo gave a talk introducing our research and Seida-san presented a poster at the 16th Annual Get-Together hosted by FBS.


Sep 4-5 Kota gave an oral presentation entitled “Cellular Responses to Fluctuations in Mitochondrial Content” at the 2023 Mitochondrial Science Workshop at the Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum, Nagasaki, Japan.


Aug 16-18 Fumiyo gave a talk at the JAM on Cell Death.

池田がJapan and Australia Meeting on Cell Death 2023 (Melbourne, Australia)で”Roles of the HOIL-1 ubiquitin ligase in inflammation and cell death”という演題で口頭発表しました。日本とオーストラリアの細胞死研究者の方達とのネットワークが広がりました。

July 15-16   Fumiyo presented our latest work at the Japan Cell Death conference.

池田先生が第31回日本Cell Death学会学術集会(順天堂大学)において発表しました。

July 11 Kota gave a talk at the Institute of Advanced Medical Science Tokushima University (Tokushima).


May 8 基礎工学部の3年生、重野さんが池田研で生物工学特別演習を行います。1年間よろしくお願いします。

Apr 1 基礎工学部の4年生2名、長谷川さんと上ノ園さんが卒研生として池田研に参入しました。これからよろしくお願いします。

Mar 26-29 Kota presented his work at the Keystone meeting “Mitochondrial Dysfunction: From Ultra-Rare Diseases to Aging” (CO, USA).

Mar 24 We had a welcome gathering for Kamegai-san with coffee and cake.


Mar 20 Fumiyo’s new mini-review on “protein and non-protein ubiquitination”(an accepted version) is now available online in the journal of AJP Cell Physiolgy.

池田の招待総説がAJP Cell Physiologyオンラインに出ました。

Mar 6 We threw a small birthday party for Fumiyo!! Thank you always for everything.


Mar 3 14 undergrad students visited our lab. Fumiyo and Kota gave short introduction.


Feb 13 Fumiyo’s interview is published in the FEBS Journal.

池田先生のインタビュー記事「Editor Profile: Fumiyo Ikeda」がFEBS Journalに掲載されました。

Feb 3 Reiko Kamegai joined our team as a technical assistant. Welcome!


Jan 28 Fumiyo gave a public seminar at the public hall of Toyonaka city.


Jan 21 Through the Sakura Science Program, students from Ritsumeikan High School and Lewiston-Porter High School (Lew-Port) in the U.S. visited the Ikeda Lab. Dr. Ikeda and Dr. Kaypee gave lectures.

さくらサイエンスプログラムを通して、立命館高校、アメリカLewiston-Porter High School(Lew Port)の学生さんたちが池田研にいらっしゃいました。池田先生、Kaypeeさんが講義を行いました。

Jan 1

We wish you all a great year ahead!



Dec 21 大掃除の後、ピザとケーキで慰労会をしました。一年間みなさまお疲れさまでした!

Dec 3-4 Fumiyo gave a talk at the Internatilnal Symposium “Ubiquitin New Frontier” (Tokyo).

Nov 30- Dec 2 Fumiyo gave a talk and organized one session for the annual MBSJ meeting (Makuhari).

Nov 24 Fumiyo received a plaque for a position of “distinguished professor”.


Nov 17-18 Fumiyo presented our recent progress on cell death projects at the cell death colloquium.


Nov-Dec 基礎工学部の2年生4名が課題解決型学習(PBL)で池田ラボで実験をしています。11-12月は細胞培養とPCRにトライ。

4 undergrad students are visiting our lab to experience some basic lab works like PCR and cell culture.
They seem to be enjoying quite a lot!

Nov 9-11 Kota gave a talk  at The 95th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society (Nagoya).

Nov 5-6 Fumiyo gave an invited talk at the BSSR annual meeting.


Oct 1 Stephanie Kaypee joined our team as a postdoc. Welcome!


Sept 1

We restarted our lab, Ubiquitin Biology Laboratory, at Osaka University!


We welcome a new PA, Ms. Harayama. 原山さんが事務補佐員として参入。よろしくお願いします。

Aug 31 Our lab has moved to Osaka Univ. We thank the MIB at Kyushu Univ for their constant support.


June 15 Three med students are visiting our lab to learn cell biology techniques from Kota. Welcome to the Ikeda Lab!


April 1 Fumiyo started her professor position at Osaka Univ (cross appointment).

池田が阪大の生命機能研究科 教授として赴任しました(兼任)。

Mar 28 A review written by Tokunaga and Ikeda is published online. “Linear ubiquitination in immune and neurodegenerative diseases, and beyond. ”  Biochem Soc Trans.

Mar 23 Mayu graduated from the Kyushu Univ. Conglatulations!


Mar 1 オンライン入試説明会に参加します(事前登録制)。 @大阪大学生命機能研究科。ポスターもこちらから見られます。当日は、Zoomでの対応もしているので、ご興味ある方は是非ご参加ください。

Feb 14 We organized a faculty development seminar for the Maidashi campus (online). An invited speaker Dr Miyi Ebisuya (EMBL Barcelona) gave an excellent talk on her science and career path. We then had a panel discussion chaired by Fumiyo.


Feb 11-13 Fumiyo gave a talk at the online meeitn for the Chemo-ubiquitin grant network.


Feb 10 Mayu Seida, the first undergrad student at the MIB_Ikeda Lab, gave a seminar on her graduation project. Congratulations!!  We will have a celebration party once the situation gets a bit better…


Feb 4 Fumiyo gave an invited talk at the CSMI retreat organized by the Kobe University “wakate-dojo (若手道場)”  (online).



Dec Fumiyo’s review is published in “Seikagaku” (in Japanese).

池田の総説「ユビキチン分子によるコーディングシステム」が生化学 vol.93 No.6 2021に掲載されました。

Dec 1-3 Fumiyo presented, chaired and performed as a poster discusser at the 44th annual meeting of MBSJ.


Nov 30 The Ikeda Lab celebrated the 10th anniversary!


Nov 吉日 Kota’s grant application (JST-FOREST) has been approved!


Nov 吉日 Fumiyo received a prestigious  grant from the Takeda Science Foundation.


Nov 8 Carlos successfully defended and became a doctor. Congratulations!

IMBA 池田ラボからの最後の博士学生、Carlosのディフェンスが無事に終わりました。おめでとうございます!

Nov 4 Fumiyo gave a talk at the 94th annual meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society (online). She also co-chaired the Selective Autophagy session with Masaaki Komatsu from Juntendo Uni.


Oct 15 Fumiyo gave an invited talk at the Proteasome and Autophagy congress (online).

Sept 1 Mami Kambe joined our lab as a PA. Welcome to the lab!

Aug 28 Mayu gave a talk at the online meeting of the Chemo Ubiquitin grant network for junior scientists.

July 26-27 Fumiyo gave a talk at the 29th Japanese Cell death meeting (online).

July 8 Fumiyo gave a talk on ubiquitin and her career path for the Kirameki project (online).


July 5 Mayu, Akiko, Kota and Fumiyo attended the MIB retreat (online). We hosted a “welcome session” for the new comers during the MIB retreat.

June 26 Fumiyo presented at the online meeting of the Chemo-Ubiquitin grant network.


June 吉日 Our manuscript (Alan’s main PhD work in collaboration with the Haselbach Lab) has been finally accepted! Congrats to the team.

June 1 Haruna Nezu joined back again as a TA. Welcome back!

April 14 Preprint of Carlos’s work is now online.

April 1 Mayu Seida (an undergrad student) joined the team for her diploma project. Welcome!

Feb 1 Kawano-san joined us as a TA! Welcome to the lab.


Dec 21 Fumiyo presented at the 13th Autophagy research meeting (第13回 オートファジー研究会: online).

Dec 2-4 Kota and Fumiyo presented at the MBSJ2020 online meeting.

Dec 2 A new review article on ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 by Fumiyo became online (in Matrix Biol.).

Nov 26 An editorial article (Fumiyo as a part of the gust editor team for the special issue) is out in Front. Physiol.

Nov 20 Our research on HOIP ubiquitination is published in the EMBO Journal. Congrats to Lilian, Carlos and all the authors!!

Nov  A short review article by Fumiyo is out in the Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B.

Nov 5-6 Fumiyo gave a talk at the 15th International Symposium of the Institute Network.”Biomedical Sciences Cutting Edge of Biomedical and Metabolic Sciences” (online)

Oct 13 Lilian and Carlos’s research manuscript was accepted!

Sept 24 中高生向けのサイトに池田の紹介記事が掲載されました。(in Japanese)

Sept 1 An undergrad student interviewed Fumiyo and put it up an article on the website of the Biomedical Science Dept. (in Japanese)


Aug 21 Mayu wrote a nice article about her experiences in our lab. (in Japanese)

(研究室訪問中の清田さんが池田ラボでの体験レポートを書いてくれました。) [医学科] [生命科学科]

July 16 A visiting student Mayu Seida joined us and built poly-ubiquitin chain in vitro.

July 1 A technical staff Haruna Nezu joined us.

Jun 1 We restarted lab activities after 2-month laboratory shutdown due to the corona virus pandemic.

Feb 21 We started Joint Journal Clubs (Sawa, Ito and Ikeda Labs). (in English!)

Feb 18 Fumiyo received the JSPS Prize.

Feb 2 柳谷のエッセイが医療情報誌「あいみっく」に掲載されました。

Jan 15-17 Fumiyo presented at the IMP-IMBA-BI Meeting on ”Mechanisms of intracellular proteolysis and their potential for therapeutic applications” Gumpoldskirchen, Austria Linear ubiquitination in the regulation of inflammation (invited talk)


Dec 1 Ikeda Lab moved to MIB. Yu Okuma (PA) joined us.

Nov 15 Assistant Prof. Akiko Okumura joined us.

April 1 Associate Prof. Kota Yanagitani joined the team.

April 1

Ikeda Lab stated (Fumiyo started a cross appointment Prof. position).